Current Students
McKaela O'Brien (M.A. student)
McKaela’s professional interests include motivation, productivity, and overall job satisfaction, and ways to improve them in the workplace. More specifically, she is interested in implementing monetary incentives and feedback to improve the overall atmosphere and satisfaction for each employee within an organization.
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Alejandro Ramos (M.A. student)
Alejandro’s professional interests include goal-setting, incentives, feedback, instructional design, performance management, systems analysis, Lean, and Six Sigma. He has a particular interest in applying the aforementioned in the field of healthcare, with an emphasis on performance improvement and process improvement.
Email contact: alejandro.ramos@wmich.edu |
Valerie Boerema (M.A. student)
Valerie is a current M.A. student in the Industrial/Organizational Behavior Management program.
Email contact: valerie.m.boerema@wmich.edu |

Amber Derthick (M.A. student)
Amber's interests include topics such as motivation, feedback, goal assignment, and incentives. More specifically, she is interested in how incentives can be implemented in order to increase employee motivation and workplace satisfaction in an organization, and how supplemental aspects such as feedback and goal assignment can enhance incentive plans.
Email contact: amber.l.derthick@wmich.edu |
Kyle Ditzian (Ph.D. student)
Kyle's interests include performance management, incentive systems and systems analysis and the various ways these can be used to increase employee performance and job satisfaction.
Email contact: kyleditzian@gmail.com |

Yngvi Freyr Einarsson (M.A. student)
Yngvi's professional interests include performance management, incentives, feedback, evaluation and motivation. He is currently a doctoral associate for the Office of Faculty Development working on research projects such as instructor needs assessment and evaluating the long-term impact of faculty development programming. Previously he has served as the Membership Coordinator for the Organizational Behavior Management Network and served as a graduate teaching assistant for PSY 4600, Survey of Behavior Analysis Research and PSY 3440, Organizational Psychology.
Email contact: yngvi.f.einarsson@wmich.edu |
Former Students
Jeana Koerber (2015, Ph.D.)
Jeana's professional interests include the application of performance management and staff training in human service settings, focusing on individuals with developmental disabilities. Jeana is currently the Clinical Director at the Great Lakes Center for Autism Treatment and Research. |
Jessica Urschel (2015, Ph.D.)
Jessica works as an independent management and research consultant and teaches at South Seattle Community College and Bellevue College, Seattle, WA..
Email contact: urscheljl@gmail.com |
Randall Hallman (2013, M.A.)
Randall Hallman works as a senior instructional designer at Kellogg's.. His professional interests include consultation designed to improve performance, processes, training, and safety.
Email contact: randall.hallman@kellogg.com |
Regan Last (2012, M.A.)
Regan is a consultant at Duty First Consulting in the Washington DC metro area. Regan's interests include performance management, systems analysis and process improvement, project management, and training and development.
Email contact: reganlast@comcast.net |
Jessica (Stanek) Kehoe (2012, M.A.)
Jessica Kehoe works as the
Quality Improvement Analyst III for The Children's Center of Wayne County. Jessica aggregates, analyzes, and charts quality data and works with a team on quality improvement initiatives.
Email contact: jessicakehoe@outlook.com |
Jerrad Yaw (2012, M.A.)
Jerrad Yaw works as a HR Support Team Supervisor & Process Improvement Lead at Allstate. Jerrad's interests include Organizational Development and performance consulting opportunities with a specific focus on training and development, process improvement, and performance management.
Email contact: jerrad.yaw@gmail.com |
Sarah VanStelle (2012, Ph.D.)
Sarah VanStelle work as the Senior Global Learning Consultant at Steelcase. Her professional interests include the application of behavioral techniques (OBM) to more traditional business programs including applications of training and leadership development
Email contact: sarah.vanstelle@gmail.com |
Michael Blahnik (2011, M.A.)
Mike Blahnik is a Project Manager and Instructional Design Lead at Innovative Learning Group. Mike enjoys getting to know people on a personal level to help understand what motivates their behavior at work. Mike applies his OBM mindset to help ILG’s clients understand and resolve their human performance issues and creatively approach employee development programs..
Website: Innovative Learning Group
Email contact: mike.blahnik@innovativelg.com |
Allison (Blake) Poole (2010, M.A.)
Allison Poole works as a Talent Management Consultant for Sourthern Company.
Email contact: ablake322@gmail.com |

Melody Taylor (2010, M.A.)
Melody is a Plans Officer with the Michigan National Guard, 272nd RSG, Lansing, MI.
Email contact: melody.taylor7@gmail.com
Ellen (VandenBrink) Mair (2010, M.A.)
Ellen is the Director of Research and Analysis at Skanska, a multinational construction management company, working in Innovation. Her professional interests include systems analysis, behavior-based safety, and performance management.
Website: www.skanska.com
Email contact: ellen.k.vandenbrink@gmail.com
Jennifer Worley (2009, M.A.)
Jennifer works as a consultant in organizational development and instructional design..
Email contact: jennifer.o.worley@gmail.com |
Erika Holtz (2009, M.A.)
Senior Human Resource Specialist at Farnsworth Group, Denver, CO where she promotes and drives Farnsworth Group culture, facilitates coordination and communication across offices, strengthens employee relations and retention, and develops, implements, and supports training and development opportunities, and performance management strategies.
Email Contact:eholtz@tbh.com |
Rhiannon Fante-Konwinski (2008, Ph.D.)
Rhiannon is an Associate Professor at St. Clair County Community College, Port Huron, MI. Rhiannon specializes in performance management, behavioral safety, systems analysis, instructional design, and computer-based training. She teaches various undergraduate courses including introduction to psychology and psychology of effective leadership and supervision.
Email contact: rhiannon_fante@hotmail.com |
Julie Slowiak (2008, Ph.D.)
Julie is an Associtate Professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She teaches Experimental Design & Methodology and Organizational Psychology. Her current interests include performance and behavior management in the workplace, behavioral systems analysis, customer service improvement, feedback systems, electronic performance monitoring, pay systems, and factors that promote healthy behavior choices. She has experience as a customer service and performance management consultant within the healthcare industry.
Website: UMD Psychology Department
Email contact: jslowiak@d.umn.edu |
Wendy Jaehnig (2006, Ph.D.)
Wendy is currently employed as an e-Learning Project Lead, Technical Learning and Capability, Pfizer Global Supply. Her professional interests include instructional technology and design as well as behavioral approaches to fitness and health.
Website: Pfizer
Email contact: Wendy.Jaehnig@pfizer.com |
Katie Willerick (2006, M.A.)
Katie is a Performance Improvement Specialist at MedAxiom. Her interests lie in improving organizational performance with the use of Behavior Analysis, Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. Katie is a Green Belt in Six Sigma and has extensive training in Lean, which fit very well with her training in Behavior Analysis and I/O Psychology. Her major focus of interest is in the healthcare industry. She has facilitated the development of various process improvements in many healthcare areas including cardiology, radiology, emergency medicine, and many more.
Email contact: katiewillerick@yahoo.com |
Heather McGee (2004, Ph.D.)
Heather is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Western Michigan University. Her interests lie in improving organizational performance through interventions based on comprehensive behavioral systems analysis. She has developed and implemented organizational performance solutions in a variety of industries and settings, including autism service providers, the pharmaceutical industry, education, and health and human services industries.
Website: WMU Psychology Department
Email contact: heather.mcgee@wmich.edu


Barbara Bucklin (2000, Ph.D.)
Barbara is Director of Instructional Design for Ardent Learning, Inc., a company that delivers custom learning and performance improvement solutions to Fortune 300 companies in industries such as automotive, pharmaceutical, transportation, global consulting, and finance. She provides instructional design and performance improvement solutions to her clients as well as leading a team of professionals across offices in California, Michigan, and New York.
Website: Ardent Learning
Email contact: bbucklin@ardentlearning.com |

Grainne Matthews (1997, Ph.D.)
Grainne is the Senior Vice President, Special Projects for Quality Safety Edge. Grainne's specialties include culture assessment, system design, team facilitation, executive leadership coaching, manager and supervisor development, and employee committee training. She creates human performance improvement systems through collaboration with cross-functional teams which have realized performance improvements in the areas of health and safety, environment, quality, productivity, customer service, and leadership. She has experience in industries such as oil and gas, chemical, mining, utility, manufacturing, engineering, service, and health care. She has had successes in North America, Europe, and Asia
Website: Quality Safety Edge
Email contact: Grainne@qualitysafetyedge.com |
Gordon Henry (1994, Ph.D.)
Gordon Henry is a Lead Faculty in HRM at University of Central Florida.
Email contact: gordon.henry@ucf.edu |
Julie Pioch (1994, M.A.)
Julie Pioch is the District Coordinator, District 13, Michigan State University Extension. Her educational programming contributions consist of leadership development for policy makers and non-profits, strategic planning, land use education, new farmer education, and other community and economic development activities.
She has also worked closely with local government to develop natural resource protection ordinances, implement sustainable land use policies and engage in community visioning processes.
Email contact: piochj@msu.edu |
Jeanne LaMere (1993, Ph.D.)
Jeanne is the Director, Curriculum Development at OnCourse Learning. Jeanne manages teams of subject matter experts and instructional designers across the country who develop courses in a variety of professions, including real estate, appraisal, and home inspection, using methods based on the principles of behavior analysis. She is an active member of WMU's alumni association, currently serving on the board.
Website: OnCourse Learning
Email contact: jeanne_lamere@bellsouth.net |
Laura Methot (1993, M.A.)
Laura is an organizational behavior analyst, Halifax, Canada. A former Senior Partner at CLG, she is currently an Activator with SheEO, and an adjunct faculty member at Western Michigan University and Saint Mary’s University.
Email contact: methotlaura@gmail.com |
Judy Agnew (1991, Ph.D.)
Dr. Agnew is Senior Vice President of Safety Solutions at Aubrey Daniels International where she helps clients use behavior analysis to make business improvements. Other professional activities include writing a book on Behavior Based Safety, numerous articles in the area of organizational behavior management, speaking at a variety of professional conferences, and serving on the editorial board for JOBM.
Website: Aubrey Daniels International
Kirk L. Gillette (1991, M.A.)
Kirk founded a behavior analytic dog training organization in 1991. Gillette Obedience Training has since expanded to include a state-of-the-art dog and cat boarding facility in the Kalamazoo area. Kirk’s professional interests include organizational management, instructional design, behavior-based training and teaching technologies.
Website: Gillette Obedience Training & Boarding Kennels
Email contact: caninebehavior@gillettekennels.com
Shezeen Oah (1990, Ph.D.)
Dr. Oah is a professor of psychology and the advisor of the industrial/organizational program at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. His research interests include behavior-based safety, performance management and community intervention. He has recently joined Quality Safety Edge and developed behavior-based safety systems for organizations in Korea.
Website: Chung-Ang University
Email contact: shezeen@cau.ac.kr, geneoah0211@yahoo.com |
